I Can Draw!

Maxell looks like llaxew upside down.
As I sit and watch 43 Windows Updates apply to old machines, it is nice to let my mind wander and waste some ink.
I have posted a few of the drawings that I have made so that you can see the level of talent I have and judge for yourself. Certainly nothing special, but I think there is a decent likeness to the objects I was trying to recreate.

Do you hear? The Alpha... and the Omega... death and rebirth... and as you die, so will I be reborn!
To me, the interesting thing is I never know what I am going to draw before I start drawing it. I usually start doodling and then just go with whatever I have put down on the paper. Nine out of ten times, it is just a crappy little doodle. Still, once in a while I do see something start to take shape, and I'll just go with it. It isn't until I am almost done that I usually think about what I've been up to and at that point I'm generally happy with the results.

I'm not sure exactly what I drew here.
So now you know that I can draw. Perhaps you think I draw well, so so, or poorly. It is what it is... So do you ever draw things around you? Do your doodles ever become anything more than scribbles and circles?
Head to the forums to discuss.